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Principal’s Message

 ‘’Lord bless our School & all who pass through its halls of learning.

May our School always be the home of truth and wisdom, faith and good will towards all, helping to build up our community and nation.”

I read this prayer somewhere and I would like to make it my own.

Well, this academic year we reflected on the theme ‘The Diversity of India’; each of the eighteen classes made a presentation on one State of India for its Class Assembly. Our students brought out so beautifully the richness of each language and culture. The point was to celebrate the differences… a very relevant message because the need of the hour is to honour and respect these differences, to embrace a culture of tolerance and non – violence.

The message for us, in the field of education I believe is to nurture not merely high scorers but more essentially to nurture a generation of young adults who will be courageous enough to stand up for the truth, speak out for what is right and pave the way for ‘India Shining’

Our eminent PM, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru believed that the onus of nation building rests fully on the young shoulders of children. He could see in our children India’s nation – builders of tomorrow.

In this context, we endeavor to offer our children ample opportunities to discover their potential through the varied activities we organize… and it does not stop there … we are continuously scouting for new ideas, to create more updated learning experiences, new ways to create a more conducive atmosphere for children and so on.  We strive to strike a balance between academics, co-curricular and extracurricular activities so that their personality development will include not only intellectual but also social, emotional, and spiritual development. We need to appreciate our Staff for planning varied activities throughout the year.

This year, we introduced Speech & Drama Classes in collaboration with Helen O Grady’s International Edu Drama Academy– all within the framework of the regular school schedule. Our objectives were in taking on this project was firstly, to complement personality development by enhancing the verbal communication skills of children; secondly, to boost their confidence level, in the process building up their self-esteem.

       In our Annual Day presentation ‘Lion King’ we definitely saw the fulfillment of this objective to a significant degree. It was an Annual Day with a difference; it was indeed a splendid performance. Kudos to all the participants!

I must say O Grady’s team brought out the best in our students – it was an immense flowering of latent talent, bringing about a transformation in our stage – shy students. Thank you O Grady’s for that superb coaching.

I must add that it was no mean task for my teachers who trained the 600+ artists despite their numerous other responsibilities.       

Congratulations to you, Dear Teachers!

Iam grateful to every Staff Member including our non-teaching Staff and our support Staff who made their dedicated contribution to the success of our entire programme.

I am happy to say that we have always had the support and cooperation of parents. My sincere thanks to the PTA for the help rendered on important occasions such as the Fun Fair, Sports Day, Annual Day etc.

Just a few words to Parents – do not under estimate your child. Each child is uniquely gifted. Keep encouraging them. Listen to them, understand them. Be positive towards them in thought, word and deed. Teach them to have a positive attitude towards their teachers and towards everyone in the school community. When you, parents cultivate a positive attitude towards the school and trust that whatever is decided upon is in the best interests of your children, that positive attitude will be communicated to your children as well. Remember that you as parents and we as educators need to stand as one in shaping the future of our children.

I express my sincere appreciation to our Editorial Team for their efforts in bringing out this issue of the school magazine.

My gratitude is due to all my Sisters of SJC who place great trust in us & continually support us.

As we come to the close of this academic year, a deep sense of gratitude and joy surges through my heart; we trust in the ocean of abundance. Here and now; our journey so far has been successful and we thank God for his marvelous ways in guiding us through this year 2019-2020.

May our patron, St Joseph, ‘the silent and honest man’ inspire us and through his intercession, may we be empowered to establish a Communion of LOVE wherever we are placed, in keeping with our charism of building Communion.

Sr. Amala Jyothi